How We'll Work With You.
Our approach to initiating, facilitating, and sustaining change projects with our clients flows from our belief that the world today is changing at an accelerated pace with challenges that are becoming less and less predictable. The courageous leaders and organizations that thrive in today’s complex and unpredictable environment do not mourn the lack of stability, but instead embrace change. They constantly analyze the environment, set bold goals, design solutions as experiments from which they can quickly learn, and organize their work structures and processes in ways that allow for maximum agility. As such, the LDC approach builds our clients’ capacity to become agile change agents.
We provoke clients to think in new ways; facilitate courageous conversations, coach and train individuals and teams to adopt more efficient and productive practices, and model agility ourselves. We move clients through iterative work phases designed to support faster strategic sense-making, experimentation, learning, and adaptation as they move through the change process.
Phase 1: Deliberate & Diagnose
In this phase, we ask clients to 1) clarify with our consulting team and other stakeholders their vision and goals for the change they seek to make, 2) surface implicit assumptions that may be driving the work, and 3) dive deep on the current state of their affairs, which includes auditing existing activities, analyzing patterns and coming to new data-driven conclusions about the work.
Phase 2: Design
In the design phase, we coach clients to fully articulate a “theory of change” and action plan for the changes they seek to make. The purpose of the theory of change and action plan is to both depict and articulate in a simple, logical way a client’s beliefs about the “what”, “why”, and “how” (i.e. strategies and tactics) of the complex changes they seek to make. The theory and action plan drive clients to succinctly clarify goals and outcomes, prioritize key interventions, define success metrics, and agree to a coordinated set of actions that accelerate faster implementation and learning.
Phase 3: Deploy & Drive
In this phase of the work, we coach and train our clients to create simple structures, processes and agreements that support agile working and meeting rhythms for more efficient coordination, communication, collaboration, and learning as they implement and experiment with the changes they seek to make. We supply clients with change frameworks, methods and tools to help them eradicate counterproductive behaviors that slow down change and adopt new mindsets and behaviors that support agility.
“Everything is perfect and there is always room for improvement.”